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What to Do if You are Injured in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Texas

A hit-and-run accident in Texas can be one of the most traumatic events you ever experience. All car accidents are inherently disturbing, but seeing a reckless driver speed into the distance after causing your crash may seem particularly distressing. For many injured plaintiffs, identifying the person who caused their crash can help them achieve a sense of justice and closure. If you never find the person who caused your injuries, you might struggle with unresolved psychological issues for the rest of your life. Fortunately, you are not alone as you seek justice. A car accident attorney in Texas can help you strive for positive results – even if locating the negligent driver seems impossible.

What should you do after becoming injured in a hit-and-run? Call David Sanchez Law Group, PLLC at 972-529-3476 for a free consultation and learn more. Our skilled and compassionate attorneys can help you understand your legal options and whether you can pursue a personal injury claim.

Hit-and-Run Accident Case

Your First Priority Should Be Your Health

Even though it might feel tempting to focus on tracking down the person who caused your injuries, your first priority after a car accident should be your health. The shock and adrenaline of this experience may numb your pain, and you may not realize how badly you have been injured. It is best to play it safe, see a doctor, and let your condition stabilize. After a serious crash, try to remain calm and wait for first responders to arrive. Accept treatment at the scene and allow yourself to be transported to a nearby hospital – even if you think this is merely a precaution.

Although you may be reluctant about incurring medical costs, you could recover all the compensation you need to cover these expenses at a later date. Perhaps most crucially, it is virtually impossible to file a personal injury lawsuit for your crash unless you have the necessary medical records. If you refuse to seek medical treatment, insurers and defendants may argue that your injuries are not real – or that they existed prior to the accident. Seeking treatment is always a smart choice after an accident – from both a legal and healthcare perspective.

Take Photographs if You Can

Although your first priority should be your health, you may be able to snap a few photographs of the crash scene before first responders arrive. If you can, try to capture the license plate of the driver who caused your accident. If you can capture this crucial number, it should be easier to track down the motorist and hold them accountable for your accident.

If you cannot reach your phone in time, try to remember a few key details about the vehicle – including the color and manufacturer. In addition, you might want to take note of any damage the vehicle has incurred. This damage might include broken tail lights, dented bumpers, and so on. Write down as much information as you can immediately after the accident, as these memories may quickly fade. Be as detailed as possible.

Speak With Eyewitnesses

You might also want to communicate with any nearby eyewitnesses who may have seen your accident. Even if you did not manage to capture the other motorist’s license plate, someone else might have seen it. Ask for witnesses’ contact information and write it down. You can provide this information to your personal injury lawyer at a later date. While you receive treatment for your injuries, your lawyer can follow up with eyewitnesses and gather more information about your crash.

What if I Never Find the Other Driver?

Have faith in local police, as they are quite adept at tracking down hit-and-run suspects. Even if you have to wait weeks or months, there is always the chance that these investigations will prove successful.

If the driver is never located, you may have a few additional legal options. First of all, you could consider uninsured motorist coverage (UIM) if you have it. Secondly, you could consider suing a separate third party who may have partially contributed to the accident. For example, the hit-and-run driver may have swerved to avoid someone running a red light before hitting you. Technically speaking, this third driver may have caused the entire accident – even if the motorist who struck you fled.

Contact David Sanchez Law Group, PLLC

We understand how challenging this situation may feel, but positive outcomes may be easier to achieve than you realize. During your first consultation, we can discuss the specifics of your crash in more detail. From there, we can get started on a legal action plan as you pursue fair compensation. With our help, you may be able to recover compensation even if police never located the negligent driver. To learn more about your legal options, book a free consultation with us today by calling 972-529-3476.


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