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What Should I Do if I Slip and Fall at a Store?

Slips and falls are among the most common accidents reported on property. The National Floor Safety Institute reports that approximately one million people seek emergency medical care for slip and fall accident injuries each year. A significant share of slip and falls and trip and falls happen at retail stores. This raises an important question: What should I do if I am hurt in a slip and fall at a store? Here, our Irving slip and fall accident attorney answers the questions with a guide to the steps that you should take if you are hurt in such an accident at a store in Texas.

Slip and Fall at a Store

Step #1: Seek Immediate Medical Attention for Your Injuries

Your health is always the top priority. The severity of a slip-and-fall accident should never be underestimated. Slips, trips, and falls can cause devastating injuries, including torn ligaments, sprains, strains, back injuries, broken bones, and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). If you suffered any type of significant injury in a fall accident at a store in Texas, you need to get yourself to a doctor. Of course, emergencies require immediate attention. A non-emergency slip and fall injury still needs to be evaluated by a licensed physician. Without medical records, you have no claim.

Step #2: Document the Slip and Fall (Especially Any Safety Hazard)

In Texas, slip and fall accident claims fall under premises liability law. These are fault-based legal cases. In effect, that means that a store is not automatically liable for a slip and fall accident that happens on its premises. Instead, a retail store can only be held legally responsible for a slip and fall if their negligence contributes to the accident.

You need evidence of the store’s negligence. Once you have ensured that you’re not in immediate danger, try to document the scene. If you are able, take pictures of the exact location where you fell, especially focusing on any conditions that contributed to your fall, like wet floors, uneven surfaces, or lack of warning signs. If possible, get the contact information for any eyewitnesses.

Step #3: Notify the Store That the Slip and Fall Accident Occurred

The store in Texas should be made aware of the fact that a slip and fall accident happened on its premises. You do not need all of the details at this early stage in the claims process. Instead, you simply need to provide notice. Report the incident to the store management as soon as possible. Find a manager or a responsible employee and formally report that you were hurt in a slip and fall and that you need(ed) medical care.

Step #4: Avoid Giving a Recorded Statement to the Store or its Insurance Carrier

For the most part, retail stores have commercial liability policies. When you notify them that a slip and fall accident happened on their premises, they will likely tell their insurance company. After the fall, that insurance company might ask you to give a recorded statement. Be cautious when dealing with any opposing insurance company. You do not have to give a recorded statement at this time. Insurance companies will often try to use your words against you to minimize or deny your claim. It is best to deal with property insurance companies through a Texas personal injury attorney.

Step #5: Consult With a Texas Premises Liability Lawyer

Premises liability claims are complicated—and slip and fall accident cases are certainly no exception. The best step that you can take to protect your rights is to consult with a highly reputable Irving slip-and-fall accident lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney can review your case, carefully investigate the accident, handle settlement negotiations with insurers, and take legal action to help you secure the maximum financial compensation. You may be entitled to recover financial damages for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses.

Schedule Your Free Case Review With Our Irving, TX, Slip and Fall Accident Attorney Today

At David Sanchez Law Group, PLLC, our Texas premises liability attorney has extensive experience handling slip and fall accident cases. Our mission is to help victims get justice and the maximum compensation. If you or your loved one was hurt in a slip-and-fall accident at a store, we are here to help. Contact our Irving personal injury lawyers for a no-cost, no-strings-attached case review. With a law office in Irving, our firm represents slip-and-fall accident victims in Dallas County and throughout Northern Texas.


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